Current Korea Interbank Offered Rates (KORIBOR) Announced

SEOUL - The Korea Interbank Offered Rates (KORIBOR) were updated today as announced by Yonhap Infomax, the financial news and information division of Yonhap News Agency.

According to Yonhap News Agency, As posted at 11:00 a.m., the KORIBOR rates across various terms are as follows:

1-Week Term: 3.50%, unchanged from the previous session.

1-Month Term: 3.69%, maintaining the same rate as the previous session.

2-Month Term: 3.82%, consistent with the previous session's rate.

3-Month Term: 4.00%, slightly increased from 3.99% in the previous session.

6-Month Term: 4.06%, remaining steady from the previous session.

12-Month Term: 4.04%, unchanged from the previous session.

These rates are indicative of the interest rates that banks offer to lend unsecured funds to other banks in the South Korean interbank market.

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