FM to visit Africa, UAE to seek support for S. Korea’s World Expo bid

Foreign Minister Park Jin plans to visit three African countries and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) this month as South Korea seeks support for its bid to host the 2030 World Expo, Seoul's foreign ministry said Thursday.

Park will visit the three African nations -- Ethiopia, Zambia and Rwanda -- and later stop by Dubai in the United Arab Emirates from August 8-14 and engage in diplomacy for the country's bid to host the World Expo in the southeastern port city of Busan, Ahn Eun-ju, the ministry's deputy spokesperson, said.

During the African tour, Park will also hold meetings with his counterparts and hold consultations on measures to boost bilateral ties with the countries. He will also discuss the participation of African dignitaries in the South Korea-Africa summit scheduled for next year.

In Dubai, Park will meet with representatives of South Korean companies doing business in the UAE and discuss Seoul's support measures for their activities there. He will also hold a meeting with the heads of South Korean missions in the Middle East to discuss ways to strengthen ties with the region.

Source: Yonhap News Agency

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