Key Historical Events in South Korea on This Date

Seoul, South Korea - Several significant historical events in South Korea are commemorated today. In 1952, commercial phone lines between Seoul and Busan were officially opened, enhancing communication across the country. Additionally, in 1981, the Korea Fair Trade Commission, the nation's antitrust watchdog, was established.

According to Yonhap News Agency, Further events include the National Assembly's passage in 2003 of a revision bill aimed at expanding government subsidies and free treatment for war veterans and Agent Orange patients. In 2005, President Roh Moo-hyun demanded that Japan take concrete actions, rather than merely offering apologies, for the atrocities committed during its colonization of the Korean Peninsula and World War II. Lastly, in 2018, a South Korean court ruled that an Iranian who converted from Islam to Christianity should be granted refugee status due to the risk of persecution if returned to his home country.

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