Minister says law banning spread of anti-N. Korea leaflets should be abolished

SEOUL, South Korea's unification minister on Thursday criticized the law banning the sending of anti-Pyongyang leaflets into North Korea as an "absolutely bad act," citing its clause on the punishment of violators, according to a news report.

"The clause of the law that legally blocks the things that could help North Korean people's right to know has a problem," Kwon Young-se said in an interview with the Voice of America.

The so-called anti-Pyongyang leaflet law, pushed by the former liberal government, went into effect in March 2021, with violators subject to face a prison term of up to three years or a fine of 30 million won (US$22,729).

In an opinion submitted to the Constitutional Court in November last year, Kwon said the law is unconstitutional and restricts the freedom of expression and political activities.

"The clause (related to punishment) should be removed as soon as possible. ... Eventually, the law should be revised," Kwon said.

An official at Seoul's unification ministry said the minister intended to say that it is not desirable to restrict the leaflet campaign with the law.

Source: Yonhap News Agency

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