Olympic Fencer Nam Hyun-hee Seeks to Sever Ties with Controversial Ex-Fiance

SEOUL, - Two-time Olympic fencing medalist Nam Hyun-hee revealed on Friday her intention to end all contact with her former fiance Jeon Cheong-jo, following a scandal that has caused significant public attention.

According to a new release by Yonhap News Agency, Nam informed the police that she wishes to have no further contact with Jeon, who was briefly detained on Thursday on stalking charges. The detention occurred early Thursday morning outside the residence of Nam's mother in Seongnam, located to the south of Seoul. Jeon was apprehended for pounding on the door and ringing the bell without invitation. This event followed Nam's expressed desire to end the relationship, a decision reportedly influenced by allegations that Jeon is a woman with multiple prior fraud convictions.

Nam was quoted telling investigators, "It's too hard for me. I don't want Jeon to contact or approach me anymore." She did not explicitly indicate whether she wishes for Jeon to face legal consequences for the emotional turmoil caused by the stalking incidents. In response to the situation, law enforcement has taken precautionary measures to ensure Nam's safety, which include equipping her with a smartwatch and enhancing patrols around her residence.

The relationship between the two became a topic of widespread discussion after Nam publicly introduced Jeon earlier this week as her boyfriend and a third-generation heir of a family-owned conglomerate, announcing plans for marriage.

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