Rain Dominates South Korea’s Weekend Weather Forecast

SEOUL — The latest weather forecast for South Korea's 12 major cities at 9:01 a.m. Sunday shows a rainy day ahead for most areas. High rainfall probability and consistent temperatures are expected across the region.

According to Yonhap News Agency, Seoul, Incheon, and Suwon will experience rain with about a 90 percent chance of precipitation and temperatures ranging from 16 to 20 degrees Celsius. Similar conditions are predicted for Cheongju, Daejeon, Chuncheon, Gangneung, and Gwangju. Jeonju has a slightly lower chance of rain at 70 percent. Meanwhile, Jeju will also see rain, with temperatures reaching as high as 24 degrees Celsius. Daegu and Busan are expected to have rain with the exception of Busan, which will remain sunny despite a high likelihood of rain elsewhere.

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