Agreement Reached on Robot and Drone Delivery with Government Arbitrating


First Introduce the Consumer Logistics Services Development Act[1] on January 8, 2021

As the Consumer Logistics Services Development Act introduced early this year only deals with conventional delivery vehicles, focusing on the inclusion of taxis, passenger cars and vans in the service, robots and drones are not covered by the act. However, an agreement having been reached, via a government-private sector expert-interest group meeting, on using robots and drones for delivery purposes, the government will do the following, including law revision, to help introduce the high tech machinery to the service. There had been five rounds of discussion until the trilateral meeting produced outcomes.
Laws will be revised to add robots and drones to delivery services
Help find the best combination of new services and existing ones, for example robots for loading, unloading and sorting, and drones for remote area delivery
The government will continue to work on consumer logistics development and a win-win for both sides, including job security for those in the conventional delivery
Plans for the Future
The government will work on the revision bill, which will faithfully reflect the outcomes of the trilateral discussion, and then propose it in early 2022. As for the One Step Forward method, it will be used later on to properly address conflicts arising when seeking innovation-driven growth.

Source: Ministry of Economy and Finance

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