Key Events in Korean History on January 7th

SEOUL: January 7th marks several significant events in Korean history, ranging from educational advancements to political developments and tragic incidents.

According to Yonhap News Agency, On January 7, 1914, Ewha Hakdang (Ewha School), recognized as the first educational institute for women in Korea, established the country's inaugural modern kindergarten. This marked a significant step forward in the realm of women's education in Korea.

In 1946, Rhee Syng-man, a prominent figure in the Korean independence movement, issued a statement opposing the proposed five-year U.N. supervised trusteeship of Korea following Japan's colonial rule from 1910 to 1945. Rhee later became the first president of South Korea in 1948.

The year 1949 witnessed South Korea and Japan signing a secret pact. This agreement called for Japan to return cultural properties that were looted during its 35-year colonial rule of Korea.

On this day in 1950, the Japanese government made a controversial move by announcing a decree that required 620,000 ethnic Koreans residing in Japan to register with the government.

Fast forward to 2004, South Korea welcomed North Korea's offer to freeze its nuclear program, a significant development in the context of Korean Peninsula security and international relations.

A tragic event occurred in 2008 when a fire broke out at a cool warehouse under construction in the city of Icheon, Gyeonggi Province. This disaster resulted in the loss of 40 workers' lives.

In 2013, former New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson and Google Chairman Eric Schmidt made a notable visit to North Korea. Their arrival occurred despite the U.S. government suggesting that the timing was not "helpful," indicating the delicate nature of international relations with North Korea at the time.

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