Police apprehend 67 suspects for posting online murder threats

Police have apprehended 67 people on suspicions of uploading online posts threatening copycat crimes in the wake of the recent back-to-back fatal stabbing attacks, the Korean National Police Agency said Tuesday.

Two more people suspected of posting such threats were nabbed between Monday evening and Tuesday morning, bringing the total to 67 from Monday's 65, the police said.

Over half of the suspects apprehended as of 6 p.m. Monday, or 34, were teens, with many of them under the legally punishable age of 14, police officials said.

South Korea has seen an upsurge of online murder threats after two shocking stabbing rampages that took place in and around Seoul recently.

In the most recent incident, a man in his 20s drove a car onto people outside a department store in the affluent neighborhood of Seongnam, south of Seoul last week and attacked others with a knife, leaving one person dead and 13 others wounded.

Authorities have been intensifying security, deploying more than 12,000 police officers to patrol densely populated areas across the country.

Source: Yonhap News Agency

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