Top prosecutor offers to resign amid liberal party’s reform drive

SEOUL– Prosecutor General Kim Oh-soo tendered his resignation Sunday in an apparent protest against the liberal Democratic Party (DP)’s push for stripping his organization of investigative powers as part of its politically controversial reform drive.

Kim issued a statement making public his decision, saying it is to take responsibility for a related ongoing legislative process against the state prosecution service.

He apologized to the people and members of the service for conflicts and trouble surrounding the matter.

He said he hopes that his move will serve as an opportunity for lawmakers to closely review the highly sensitive issue that requires public consensus through hearings and an agreement between the ruling and opposition parties.

Kim took office in June last year and his term was to end in May next year. He served as vice justice minister under the outgoing Moon Jae-in administration. The Moon government and the DP have sought to give the police more investigative rights, accusing the prosecution of having excessive powers.
Meanwhile, the Supreme Prosecutors Office said that it will convene an emergency meeting of six top prosecutors on Monday to discuss follow-up measures to Prosecutor General Kim’s resignation and seek ways to protest the DP’s push to deprive the state prosecution of its investigative power.

Earlier this month, the top prosecutors office held a high-profile meeting and openly voiced objection to the ruling party’s reform plan.

Source: Yonhap News Agency

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