G7 Leaders Denounce North Korea’s Satellite Launch and Arms Transfers to Russia

WASHINGTON - The leaders of the Group of Seven (G7) nations issued a strong condemnation of North Korea's recent activities, including a spy satellite launch and arms transfers to Russia. This statement was released on Wednesday following a virtual meeting covering various global issues, such as the conflict in Ukraine and the tensions between Israel and the Hamas militant group.

According to Yonhap News Agency, The G7 leaders' statement highlighted the violation of United Nations Security Council (UNSC) resolutions by North Korea. These resolutions prohibit the country from conducting ballistic missile technology-based launches and engaging in any form of arms trade.

The G7 leaders also reiterated their stance for the "complete, verifiable and irreversible" dismantlement of all of North Korea's weapons of mass destruction and ballistic missiles. They called on Pyongyang to respect human rights, allow access to international humanitarian organizations, and promptly resolve the issue of abductions.

In response to Russia's ongoing military actions, the G7 leaders announced plans to implement restrictions on non-industrial diamonds originating from Russia by Jan. 1. This move will be followed by further phased restrictions on imports of Russian diamonds processed in third countries, aiming for a March 1 implementation.

Regarding the conflict between Israel and Hamas, the G7 leaders demanded the immediate release of all hostages held by Hamas without preconditions. They emphasized the need for urgent action to address the humanitarian crisis in Gaza and minimize civilian casualties, supporting further humanitarian pauses for this purpose.

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