S. Korea, U.N. refugee agency sign agreement on cooperation in refugee response

SEOUL– South Korea and the United Nations refugee agency on Thursday signed an agreement to strengthen cooperation in responding to the plights of refugees across the world, Seoul’s foreign ministry said.

The partnership framework agreement was signed by Foreign Minister Park Jin and U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi at a signing ceremony held at the ministry in Seoul.

Grandi was on a three-day trip in South Korea for meetings with various Seoul officials on the situation of global refugees. It was his third visit to the country since assuming office in 2016.

Park said he welcomed the laying of the foundation for close cooperation between South Korea and the U.N. agency. Grandi said his agency needs partners like South Korea to “help us respond to humanitarian crises and seek solutions for global challenges of forced displacements.”

Source: Yonhap News Agency

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