South Korea Reorganizes Foreign Ministry to Enhance Strategy on North Korea

SEOUL — In a significant overhaul aimed at addressing the stalled nuclear negotiations with North Korea, South Korea's foreign ministry announced the creation of a new Office of Strategy and Intelligence, officials reported Thursday. This office is set to replace the current Office of Korean Peninsula Peace and Security Affairs, introducing three specialized units focused on diplomatic strategy, intelligence, and international security, as part of its 2024 policy plan. The reorganization reflects the ministry's response to the enduring deadlock in nuclear talks with Pyongyang, necessitating a broader strategic approach to foreign policy issues.

According to Yonhap News Agency, the shift acknowledges the evolving nature of threats from North Korea, including cybercrimes and illicit funding, requiring a comprehensive strategy beyond traditional nuclear diplomacy. The plan, pending finalization after interagency coordination, aims to enhance South Korea's capacity to address regional security challenges amid the complex geopolitical landscape shaped by U.S.-China rivalry and tensions between the West and Russia.

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