Stable Interbank Offer Rates in South Korea

SEOUL - The Korea Interbank Offered Rates (KORIBOR) remained unchanged across all terms as of 11:00 a.m. Monday, according to the latest figures from Yonhap Infomax.

According to Yonhap News Agency, The rates for various terms, ranging from one week to twelve months, were reported as follows: one-week term at 3.50 percent, one-month at 3.53 percent, two-months at 3.55 percent, three-months at 3.58 percent, six-months at 3.62 percent, and the twelve-month term slightly decreased from 3.68 percent to 3.65 percent. These rates reflect the short-term borrowing costs among banks and are crucial indicators of liquidity and interest rate trends in the broader financial markets.

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